About this website
This website “Breathing of Life ~Asahi Kashiki Photography Website~” (“this website”) is created and run by Asahi Kashiki.
The URL is https://asahi-kashiki.com
Please contact the administrator via the contact form on this website if you have inquiries.
Important notice for use of this website
The copyright of this website
The copyright of the articles and images in this website is owned by Asahi Kashiki.
It is illegal to reproduce the works (articles and images) in this website without permission.
The administrator takes legal action if you reproduce them exceeding the range of citation.
Copyright and Portrait Rights
This website does not aim any invasion of copyright and portrait rights.
This website is managed with consideration for the rights as much as possible. However, if by some chance you have an issue, please contact the administrator via the contact form on this website.
The administrator sincerely deals with it as soon as possible.
About Link
You can link to this website without permission.
You do not need to contact me prior to link.
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Also, please note that there are cases in which this website might decline the link between websites that go against public order and morality.
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Handling of Personal Information
This website can deal with personal information (name, email address, content of inquiry) when the administrator responds to inquiries.
The personal information collected via the contact form is only used for responding the inquiry. It is not used for any other purposes.
Information disclosure for the third party is only taken for the case with first-person informed consent or the case with a legal request.
Escape Clause
The accuracy of information
This website tries to provide accurate information as much as possible, but it does not guarantee the accuracy itself.
There are cases in which wrong or outdated information may exist unintentionally.
Please note that the administrator does not take any responsibility or liability for any damage or loss caused through the contents on this website.